Frequently Asked Questions

For providers

For providers, every second makes a difference. That’s why we ensure you are equipped with easy access to the critical patient information you need to deliver effective, more efficient care. 

General healthEconnect Alaska FAQs

healthEconnect Alaska is a nonprofit organization designated in 2009 by the Alaska State Legislature to be the health information exchange (HIE) for all of Alaska. We are not owned or controlled by any healthcare entity, and we do not answer to anyone but our board of directors and the state of Alaska. We never sell, share, or use health information for profit.

healthEconnect Alaska is entrusted by the Alaska Department of Health, is regulated by Alaska state statute 18.23.300, and complies with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) rules, as do healthEconnect protecting the privacy and security of health information is the highest priority of healthEconnect Alaska and its participants. Health information is kept secure using stringent industry technical and security safeguards and administrative policies and procedures.

We offer simple yet powerful solutions that streamline workflows and processes for providers and other healthcare stakeholders so they can access the data they need, when they need it.

The following core services are central to enhancing patient care:

healthEconnect Portal
Our provider-centric solution features a streamlined suite of vital patient data and care coordination tools that can embed directly into EMRs or be accessed through our secure portal.

Direct Secure Messaging (DSM)
Our HIPAA-compliant, integrative messaging solution allows care organizations and government agencies to communicate directly and securely share protected information with other healthcare organizations and stakeholders.

Public Health Reporting
Our robust and efficient data solution can streamline complex and laborious mandated public health reporting, such as electronic lab reporting (ELR), vaccinations, infectious diseases, and more.

As Alaska’s HIE, healthEconnect Alaska focuses on the diverse Alaska healthcare ecosystem, which includes hospitals and clinics; providers, including behavioral and tribal healthcare providers; payers and health plans; public health agencies; and federally qualified health centers. Learn more about the various entities we serve and the organizations/stakeholders in our network.

Health Information Exchange (HIE) Portal FAQs

Yes, but only under specific circumstances. Your health insurance company (health plan) may have access to your data through healthEconnect, but only if they are a participant and only for specific purposes. These include coordinating your care, managing healthcare services, and facilitating quality improvement measures.

Health insurance companies cannot use the healthEconnect Alaska to access your medical records for insurance underwriting purposes or to determine enrollment or eligibility for coverage.

No. Your provider may not force or require you to submit this form.

Yes, you can request an accounting of disclosures from healthEconnect Alaska. This list of providers will include everyone who has seen any of your data in healthEconnect Alaska. You can request that list by completing the web form at:

You may revoke your consent at any time by requesting access to the consent tool from your HIE account manager by emailing them directly or sending a request to Then, ask your provider to log on to healthEconnect Alaska to deactivate your consent registration. healthEconnect Alaska will immediately stop sharing your SUD/MAT data upon your provider’s deactivation.

Yes, patients who voluntarily choose to share sensitive data may opt in. 

If you don’t opt in to sharing your SUD/MAT data with healthEconnect Alaska, that decision only determines what can or cannot be shared with and through healthEconnect Alaska and does not pertain to other healthcare providers. If you are unsure, ask your provider if you have consented to share your SUD/MAT data elsewhere.

Currently, access is only provided to health care providers and members of the care team.

The valuable services provided by heathEconnect Alaska cost patients nothing. Patients can participate for free.

If your provider is not currently part of the healthEconnect Alaska network, encourage them to join. Having your complete patient history available for all of your providers to see is a big benefit to you in your healthcare journey.

Providers that would like to become healthEconnect Alaska participants can contact us at: or (866) 966-9030, ext. 4., and request a participation agreement.

You can find more provider-specific FAQs here.

Providers that would like to become healthEconnect Alaska participants can contact us at: or (866) 966-9030, ext. 4., and request a participation agreement.

Direct Secure Messaging (DSM) FAQs

Direct Secure Messaging (DSM) is a secure, HIPAA-compliant email service in which all the other users of DSM have agreed to the same level of authentication, trust and interoperability. The DirectTrust Accredited community is committed to the highest level of security, privacy and interoperability. DSM takes care of all the trust management, encryption and decryption on the backend so all you have to do is compose an email and hit “send”.

Inpriva is our trusted partner for Direct Secure Messaging (DSM). Originally developed for secure, interoperable communication between healthcare providers and their associates, Inpriva’s platform now extends to support secure collaboration in various sectors, including social services, public health, and judicial systems. healthEconnect Alaska utilizes Inpriva’s services to deliver secure, HIPAA-compliant email solutions, ensuring reliable communication across the healthcare network.

Please note: to register for a DSM account through healthEconnect, please use the healthEconnect DSM Registration page.

Here is a summary of what the steps are after you click on the “Register Now” button:

  1. You will select the “subdomain” for your Direct addresses. Each Direct address will have a format like:
  2. You will be guided to fill out online forms with identity information about the organization and yourself.
  3. You will be directed to print the online forms. These forms include acknowledgement and acceptance of the healthEconnect Direct Secure Messaging Participant agreement and must be signed in front of a Notary or healthEconnect/Inpriva Trusted Agent.
  4. Once the forms have been submitted, they will be reviewed and verified. Your Direct account and its Direct addresses will then be provisioned. Normally, you will receive a notification email that the Direct Addresses are ready to use within 24-48 business hours.

You can request a copy of the healthEconnect Direct Secure Messaging Participant Agreement. It contains pricing information, together with other terms and conditions for the service.  You’ll be asked to sign and agree to these terms at the end of the Direct registration process.

When sending to a non-Direct address, you will get a notification asking if you are sure you want to trust this recipient–if you do, just click and send.  Your recipient is issued a temporary Direct address that can exchange with your Direct address based on your decision to trust.  Their temporary login and password is sent to your recipient so they don’t have to register for anything, nor do they have to create or remember a password.

You don’t need an EHR to exchange Direct secure messages with an EHR if you use healthEconnect DSM.  The DSM webmail client has a unique CCDA viewer built in so that you can receive and read messages from an EHR with ease.

Please visit the Inpriva DSM knowledge base for more detailed information about registration, functionality, user guides, and FAQs.

healthEconnect Alaska’s DSM services cost $75 per mailbox per year.

Account admins will receive an annual invoice for all active accounts registered with their DSM Domain. Invoices will be sent to the email address provided during registration (not your DSM mailbox) and will be sent from

Any Direct Secure Messaging accounts that are more than 90 days past due are subject to termination.

For more information about healthEconnect Alaska, please see our about page or our patient FAQs.

Patient FAQ Brochure

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