Will healthEconnect Alaska share my data with law enforcement or with the court systems?
healthEconnect Alaska does not share patient information with employers or law enforcement. It’s also important to understand that your health information cannot be used for sales or advertising. Your health data cannot be used for any other purposes without your written permission.
Do patients have to pay to participate in the HIE?
The valuable services provided by heathEconnect Alaska cost patients nothing. Patients can participate for free.
How does a patient participate in the HIE?
Patients can always opt out of sharing their data. If your provider’s facility participates in the network, your health information will be accessible through healthEconnect Alaska. Just like your health records in a medical clinic or healthcare organization, only those involved in your care will be able to access your information through the HIE. You […]
How can my healthcare provider conect to healthEconnect Alaska?
If your provider is not currently part of the healthEconnect Alaska network, encourage them to join. Having your complete patient history available for all of your providers to see is a big benefit to you in your healthcare journey. Providers that would like to become healthEconnect Alaska participants can contact us at: info@healtheconnectAK.org or (866) 966-9030, ext. 4., […]
Can health insurance companies see my health data?
Yes, but only under specific circumstances. Your health insurance company (health plan) may have access to your data through healthEconnect, but only if they are a participant and only for specific purposes. These include coordinating your care, managing healthcare services, and facilitating quality improvement measures.
Health insurance companies cannot use the healthEconnect Alaska to access your medical records for insurance underwriting purposes or to determine enrollment or eligibility for coverage.
Is my information secure on the healthEconnect Alaska platform?
Protecting data is healthEconnect Alaska’s highest priority. Our privacy and security practices have been HITRUST-certified, meaning they adhere to the highest industry standards and best practices. All transmissions are encrypted into a type of language that can only be translated, or decrypted, by certified professionals who have the authority to do so.
All healthEconnect Alaska participants must sign a data-use agreement, which regulates and determines permitted uses and exchange, including privacy and security. Audits are continually performed to monitor data access. healthEconnect Alaska is compliant with HIPAA and other relevant legal requirements.
Who can access patient information in the HIE and who will see my health information?
Patient information within the HIE is securely guarded and only accessible to authorized entities—the HIE participants—who contract with healthEconnect Alaska. HIE participants are bound by federal and state laws, including HIPAA. Moreover, they must adhere to healthEconnect’s stringent policies governing the proper use of patient information within the HIE.
A patient’s care team, which may include doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers, along with their health plan and those working on a patient’s behalf, are among the participants who can access health information in an HIE. The intent behind this access is to streamline a patient’s treatment process, coordinate care, manage cases, plan transitions of care, and handle payment for treatment. This information is only shared with healthcare providers who list you as a patient in their practice or at the hospital. Providers must have an existing patient relationship to view your data in the HIE.
When required by law, certain approved entities like medical examiners and certain public health authorities might access the HIE for specific, permitted purposes.
At healthEconnect Alaska, we take data privacy and security very seriously. The use of the HIE is strictly governed and controlled to protect patient information and may only be used consistent with the law or our HIE policies.
Patients can request an accounting of disclosures from healthEconnect Alaska. This list of providers will include everyone who has seen any of your data in healthEconnect Alaska. You can request that list by completing the web form at: https://disclosures.crisphealth.org/.
Dashboard and My Patient Summary – Phase 2
This release has enhanced access to patient allergy information. View release note here.
HIE Admin Tool: Version 3.0
This release has enhanced access to patient allergy information. View release note here.
Filter options and information via Public Health Authority InContext app
This release has enhanced access to patient allergy information. View release note here.