Frequently Asked Questions

For providers

For providers, every second makes a difference. That’s why we ensure you are equipped with easy access to the critical patient information you need to deliver effective, more efficient care. 

General healthEconnect Alaska FAQs
Health Information Exchange (HIE) Portal FAQs

Patients can always opt out of sharing their data. If a provider’s facility participates in the network, a patient’s health information will be accessible through healthEconnect Alaska. Just like health records in a medical clinic or healthcare organization, only those involved in a patient’s care can access their information through the HIE.Patients can decide to opt out and not have their health records accessible to their healthcare providers through the HIE. The choice a patient makes will not affect their ability to access medical care If a patient decides to opt out, their health records will not be searchable through the HIE, but their treating provider will still be able to receive their lab results, radiology reports, and other information through traditional fax, mail, or other electronic communications.

Patients should understand that when they opt out, their medical information will not be readily available to help participating physicians manage their care, even in an emergency. Their choice is personal and will only be shared with their physician. An opt-in/out consent form, which includes patient participation options, can be found here: Opt-In/Out Form

You can find more patient-specific FAQs here.

Patients can always opt out of sharing their data. If your provider’s facility participates in the network, your health information will be accessible through healthEconnect Alaska. Just like your health records in a medical clinic or healthcare organization, only those involved in your care will be able to access your information through the HIE.

You can decide to opt out and not have your health records accessible to your healthcare providers through the HIE. The choice you make will not affect your ability to access medical care. If you decide to opt out, your health records will not be searchable through the HIE, but your treating providers may still be able to access certain information about your healthcare history from other health data exchange entities, like your provider’s electronic health record.

You should understand that when you opt out, your medical information will not be readily available to help participating physicians manage your care, even in an emergency.

You can opt out any time by requesting an opt-out form from your provider. If you choose to opt out, first speak with your provider about the benefits. An opt-in/out consent form, which includes patient participation options, can also be found here: Opt-In/Out Form.

Protecting data is healthEconnect Alaska’s highest priority. Our privacy and security practices have been HITRUST-certified, meaning they adhere to the highest industry standards and best practices. All transmissions are encrypted into a type of language that can only be translated, or decrypted, by certified professionals who have the authority to do so. 

All healthEconnect Alaska participants must sign a data-use agreement, which regulates and determines permitted uses and exchange, including privacy and security. Audits are continually performed to monitor data access. healthEconnect Alaska is compliant with HIPAA and other relevant legal requirements.

Protecting data is healthEconnect Alaska’s highest priority. Our privacy and security practices have been HITRUST-certified, meaning they adhere to the highest industry standards and best practices. All transmissions are encrypted into a type of language that can only be translated, or decrypted, by certified professionals who have the authority to do so. 

All healthEconnect Alaska participants must sign a data-use agreement, which regulates and determines permitted uses and exchange, including privacy and security. Audits are continually performed to monitor data access. healthEconnect Alaska is compliant with HIPAA and other relevant legal requirements.

Through the healthEconnect portal, providers can access patient health information such as demographics (age, gender, and address); medications; allergies; immunizations; health conditions; reports, including labs; provider’s notes and summaries from other healthcare organizations; and care coordination documents.

Not all health clinics or providers share information with healthEconnect Alaska. Patients can ask their care providers if they are participating.

Certain types of sensitive health information may not be disclosed under federal laws without the patient’s prior written authorization.

You can find more substance use-specific FAQs here.

An HIE is an organization with agreed-upon operational and business rules that provides services to enable the electronic and secure sharing of health-related information. Electronic exchange of clinical information allows doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare providers improve the speed, quality, safety, coordination, and cost of patient care.

HIE adoption is associated with various benefits, including reduced hospital emergency department length of stays and positive effects on quality improvement of patient care. Like the other 50 states that have implemented an HIE, healthEconnect Alaska works to ensure that providers and care teams have the vital tools and clinical data resources they need to improve patient outcomes and reduce costs of care.

When you share your SUD/MAT data, members of your healthcare team will be aware that you are currently in SUD treatment, or that you have been in the past. Some patients prefer to keep this information private and only share it with specific providers. Your SUD treatment information cannot be used to discriminate against you.

SUD/MAT data sharing is voluntary and opt-in only. If you haven’t opted in to sharing your SUD/MAT data, your SUD treatment providers cannot share your information with healthEconnect Alaska. Sharing your SUD/MAT data has benefits such as improved care coordination and gives your provider accurate and comprehensive insights into whole-person health.

Yes, you can request an accounting of disclosures from healthEconnect Alaska. This list of providers will include everyone who has seen any of your data in healthEconnect Alaska. You can request that list by completing the web form at:

If you have additional questions, please contact healthEconnect Alaska’s support desk: (866) 966-9030, ext. 2, and

Direct Secure Messaging (DSM) FAQs

For more information about healthEconnect Alaska, please see our about page or our patient FAQs.

Patient FAQ Brochure

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